Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Truth of the Cross (Book Review)

I just finished reading "The Truth of the Cross" and highly recommend to anyone who wants a clear picture of God's reason for the cross. I have been a part of many different discussions throughout my life where people asked the question, "Why the cross?". Sproul, in usual 'Scproulian' terms, does not shy away from this question, yet with the carefulness of a skilled surgeon opens up each area relating to the atonement and explains it in logical, consistent, and most importantly biblical terms that anyone can follow and understand.

The Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus Christ for a believer is explained in such a way that believers from a multitude of diverse theological backgrounds could understand, and in many cases agree. And since the title of this blog is "Consistent Christianity", this book is a perfect fit. There is one quote from Sproul that I love in which he says, "I believe it's possible for a person to believe four points [of Calvinism] without believing the fifth, although I don't think it's possible to do it consistently or logically." (Pg. 142) Logic, consistency, and truth are all vitally important, especially in a time period where illogical, incoherent, babblings of man are lifted up and called good, noble, and right.

If you would like to order this book, click on the book at the top of this blog and you will be taken to ligonier's website.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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