Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Heart is Broken....

So I was on myspace today cruising around checkin' out different sites and I kept running across site after site of people who call themselves Christian, yet their myspace reflected more of an immoral sanctuary filled with all kinds of idols, i.e. a whorehouse. I just finished listening to a sermon by Mark Driscoll and talking with a young lady about the worship that we give to things, so I admit that I was a little pumped up about the worship of God. I am also in Jeremiah where God compares the Israelites to a donkey in heat who gives it up to anyone who will come by and try to impregnate her. (I am not makin' this up...check it out in Jeremiah 2:24.)

But it wasn't until I came to one site where the girl had pictures on her site where she (and the other girls) looked like a whore from some red light district. Then in a separate photo album were pictures of her son who is about a year old. That's when the spot right in the middle of my chest started to hurt and I got this pressure in between my eyes that happens right before I start to cry. How is this boy who seems so innocent (I am reformed I know he is not) going to find out the truth about Christianity? Unless things change, he is going to grow up thinking that Christianity is about saying the right words at the right time and then continuing to live any which way that you want. Talk about disgusting. We have got to be living in the last days. I understand that we are not saved by keeping the Law, rather are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who did keep the whole Law.

Life is about worship...Who we worship. It was apparent in this site that this little boy was going to grow up learning how to worship sex, alcohol, pleasure, material items, and everything else this world has to offer. We are idol factories as John Calvin stated. Whatever we can think of, we can and will worship. Jesus came to save us from our sins so that we could have the ability to redirect our worship to Who is meant for in the first place. When a person claims to be a Christian but does not change or even goes further down the path of sin, then there must be a warning light that goes off warning, "False Conversion" right? I mean if there is no life change...then there is no change of worship...and if there is no change of worship then logically that person will not want to spent eternity worshiping God....therefore that person remains just as damned as they were before.

I guess my cry today is for people to be real. Don't say your a Christian just to have a religion or try to fit in while you are at church. Have guts and be real...for the sake of all those who might come to Christ in the future. Quit blurring the line between what is real and what is fake. And for crying out loud, don't equate being saved with sin. May the wrath of God come down on those who do in full. Christ came to save from sin not to allow people to plunge into it. This world does enough to screw up and twist the real. Worship Christ and proclaim His glory with every ounce of who you are and reap the blessings of that...or don't and reap the consequences of that. Bottom line... you will worship someone or something...are you a donkey in heat or are you a child of the living Holy God...ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Soli Deo Gloria

1 comment:

Lisa Wray said...

It's very tough to see your way through whether an adult or a youth. At some point aren't we winking at sin if we remain silent? Yet to always confront feels so judgemental. Are we to simply treat them as unsaved?
It can be difficult to remember that the battle has already been won... and makes me hope more intensely for Christ's return while praising Him for His gracious restraint.