Saturday, September 22, 2007

Depression and the Christian

Since consistency is a huge thing with me and the title of this blog is "Consistent Christianity" I thought I would share my thoughts and those who call themselves Christians yet lack joy....i.e. are depressed. Now I know that science in America says that depression is a chemical imbalance resulting from messed up levels of either Norepinephrine, Serotonin, or Dopamine, but until they can prove it...depression will remain in my mind, "A lack of joy in one's life." So can a person who claims all of the following really lack being joyful:
  • Being saved from eternal damnation
  • Having a relationship with their creator
  • Having their creator's sinlessness being given to them
  • Having power over sin
  • Knowing that the battle has been won
  • Being able to bring glory to the One who deserves it
  • Knowing that God is Sovereign
  • Understanding that death is just another way to bring glory to God

There are so many more truths about a Christians relationship with God that I could go on and on. The truth of the matter is that for those who were once slaves to sin and dead to God, joy should be the only emotion pouring out of us. And to that, actions related to joy should be the only actions committed by us. Yet the reality is that anti-depressants are the most widely prescribed drugs in America today. There is no difference in percentages between Christians and non-Christians when it comes to divorce. In other words...Christians are just as miserable as the rest of the world...why?

The only answer that I can come to is that Christians have traded the fountain of living water for the broken cisterns of this world. If I put my joy in the fact that my home has $100,000 in equity and then the housing market does something like it is currently doing...then it only follows that I will start to become depressed. If I put my joy in having a great relationship with my wife and kids and then our relationships start to only follows that I will start to loose my joy. Am I making sense? The only constant unchanging rock that we as Christians can stand on is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We don't have to worry about what He is going to say or do. It is the same. My joy can be complete because of who he is. So once again, worship is at the heart of my blog. What you worship will decide whether or not you have joy. God is the source of all joy...anything short of God will bring about depression.

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