Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why Another Blog...

With all the blogs out there, why start another one? Great question. I'm just another guy with thoughts and convictions running wild in my mind. But for those who know me and know the group of youth that I work with, I wanted the chance to share my frustrations with what I see, what I hear, and what I read. So to answer the question above, I would have to say the following:

This blog is not for everyone to read. This is meant for the youth and staff who are directly affected by my leadership and influence on their lives. They deserve to read what I am thinking about, what my frustrations are, and how God is working in, on and through me. However, should you choose to read my blogs and are affected and influenced, positively or negatively, then great. I would love to hear from anyone who honestly and sincerely wants to give me feedback. But to those who just want to argue and are not interested in further the truth, do me a favor and don't waste my time.

And just to clear up any confusion about who I am or why I added this picture to this blog, I am a 5 point calvinist whose passion is the Sovereignty of God, even over salvation. That's right, I believe that God foreknew me, and predestined me, and called me, and justified me, and glorified me all on His own apart from anything that I did. Funny that sounds like it is right out of Romans 8:29. And in case your read this wrong, I am not an angry calvinist...just a very passionate one.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ben Marshall

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