Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is Doctrine Really Important?

So I am reading through lots of different books right now, many of which are steeped in the emergent movement. I have also been part of different groups in which their mantra was "No one can really know the truth so why argue over it". But I just got done reading a paragraph that ended with this statement, "...but why quibble about fine points of doctrine when the important thing was his sobriety". The book that I am reading deals with the issue of addictions and where the come from and so on. But this raised the question that I seem to stumble into time and time again...is doctrine important. I mean with the postmodern world that we live in, does it really matter if I am right or wrong in what I believe?

If you know me and/or have read any of my blogs, you will know that my unapologetic answer to that question is "yes". It does matter what we believe. What we believe determines how we live day in and day out. Hitler did not wake up one morning and decide that he was going to go around and murder millions of Jews simply because he thought that was a good thing to do. He belief that they should be exterminated started somewhere. What he believed led him to do the things that he did. Do does it matter what people say about the Bible, God, Jesus, etc....you bet it does because it will determine how they live.

Now I want to get away from the big scenarios like Hitler and other like him to things that would affect most of the people reading this blog. Things like: the songs we sing in worship, the books we endorse on websites, sentences said from the pulpit, and other "small" things like that. Is it worth quibbling over issues like that or should love cover those things as well? In the past I have been criticised for being to critical over issues like that. Is it worth it? Is it best to let people say what they want and just hope that no one heads down the wrong path. Or how about the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bath water." Is is best to read through a book that I disagree with doctrinally and look for bits and pieces that are good? What about songs that are sung on Sunday morning? Do I sing along even if I disagree doctrinally? And on and on it goes? The big question is "Does Doctrine Matter?"

Well according to 1 Timothy 4:16 it does. Paul tells Timothy to watch his life and DOCTRINE closely. The reason why is because the two are intertwined with one another. I never do anything that is out of line with what I truly honestly believe. And I never believe those things which I do not do. Now you might be thinking about sin and the Christian. Does that mean that if a Christian sins that he wants to sin...and what I am saying is yes...at that moment he wants to sin. Nothing ever makes me sin...I either want to or I don't. What I believe dictates what I do.

For instance...if I am on my computer and I am surfing and I am tempted to look at pornography...my doctrine will either lead me away from that sin or it will lead me into that sin. What I believe about God, His Son, His Word, His promises, and everything everything else will show up and become evidences in my actions. In the same manner, what I believe about God and His Word will lead me to either read it every day realizing that strength for the day comes from It or what I believe about it will lead me to make it an option in my day. Either which way, what I believe (doctrine) dictates what I do.

Do does doctrine matter? Yes it does, in more ways that we can imagine. Check yourself to see what you believe (how you live) not just what you say you believe.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Good points and I have been thinking about this lately. Jesus said, the truth will set you free. Knowing the truth enables me to change my mind about decisions, choices that I make on a daily or weekly basis that determine how I live. I measure if am living according to doctrine (the Bible) by knowing it or researching it if I am not sure. Often, folks who profess to be Christian don't know the truth or perhaps don't really want to be exposed to the light if their is darkness in their life. Having the courage to embrace the light when you know that there are things you either do or don't do that run contrary to doctrine is a sure sign that God is at work in your life. If we are honest with God and ourselves and have faith we will begin to change if we don't give up or lose faith. We all need to change something in our lives or perhaps several things as none of us Christians are perfect. The key in my mind is where is the persons heart? Is there an honest sincere desire to change to bring their life more in line with God's Word and what will that person do to demonstrate that desire to themselves and others. God knows the heart and I believe he extends great mercy to those who honestly seek him through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. "Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into the Grace into which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the Glory of God." Romans 5:12. Thank God for Jesus as I stand in His grace everyday as I seek to become more like Christ in the way I live each day.