Yesterday I had the honor and privilege of bringing God's Word to my church. As always I love it. Never thought I would say that but I did and I do. It's amazing to think that the God of the universe actually cared enough to not only send His Son to die on the cross thus saving us from God' wrath, but He also gave us His Word to instruct us on all matters of life (2 Peter 1:3).
My sermon this weekend dealt with the life of Joseph and God's Sovereignty being clearly painted all throughout. In going through his life though, there is one whole chapter that at first glace seems as though it does not need to be in there. Chapter 38 of Genesis is all about Judah and Tamar. Tamar ends up being the daughter-in-law of Judah. Judah's son (Tamar's wife) ends up dying so Tamar marries the next brother and he dies. The story continues with one brother not willing to procreate with Tamar and God gets really angry with that. But the kicker is that later on, Judah is travelling and sees what he thinks is a temple prostitute sitting on the side of the road an decides to use her. It ends up being Tamar and he gets her pregnant.
What in the world...why did God seemingly get angry over the one man not procreating with Tamar but not angry (at least enough to recorded in His Word) at the man who sleeps with his daughter in law thinking she is a prostitute. In my mind, sexual sin way worse than the sin of not procreating (check out Genesis 38 if you are unsure of what I am talking about). However, God works in and through this sin in order to bring about the birth of His Son. Tamar is mentioned in Matthew 1 as being in the lineage of Christ. That is a huge mind blower for me.
However, when I read Romans 8:28 it all comes into focus and I am reminded that it doesn't matter what I want or believe. God is the One who is in control causing all things to work together for good. Who am I to tell God how things should be done. I need to keep my eyes on Him, on His Word, and being obedient. The rest is up to Him. Not a long one today...just a good reminder.
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